AINIA / 15 July 2016

EPSA, S.A., new functional additive

Emilio Peña, S.A. (EPSA), leading company in the field of additives, has achieved a new functional additive, microencapsulated iron to enrich bread. It is one of the results of the European project BAKE4FUN ( “innovative biotechnology solutions for the production of new products of functional bakery”) in which the company has participated with AINIA and other European SMEs, in addition to Spanish company INDESPAN as well as universities and technology centres in different EU countries.

Improving bioavailability of iron in fortified breads has been one of the challenges of this project, employing microencapsulation technology that AINIA specialises in.

After several years of work, they have developed iron microcapsules with starch, in collaboration with EPSA, which have made it possible to mask the bitter taste of iron in bread, while protecting it during its manufacturing process, ensuring its release in the intestine for subsequent absorption. And also that the organoleptic characteristics of bread functional prototypes made, mainly aroma and flavour, ensure that the product is accepted.


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