
Intercomparative microbiological analysis

AINIA organises annual intercomparative microbiological analysis tests. Companies can evaluate their analytical methodologies, verify the validity of their results and compare their results with other laboratories that perform the same tests.

At AINIA we give you value

5 reasons why you should participate
  • Trust. In the laboratories and their analyses, in the company and the clients. Additionally, in the regulatory authorities and the laboratory accreditation entities.
  • Proof of competence The technical competence of interlaboratory testing is verified by test performance.
  • Continuous improvement. Testing reveals systematic errors that can be used to incorporate modifications or improvements of the standardised methods.
  • Compliance with the ISO 17025 quality standard. To ensure quality control procedures, to monitor test and calibration accuracy and validity. In addition, to comply with the requirements of participating in inter-comparison programmes
  • Reliability and quality are guaranteed. The precontaminated food matrix is prepared for analysis as if it were a food. There is NO handling or reconstitution of vials required, which significantly reduces participant error in sample preparation and analysis.

Intercomparative Studies

Oriented towards…
  • Companies with their own laboratory
  • Microbiological control laboratories for foods
What does it involve? AINIA prepares precontaminated samples with hygiene indicator microorganisms (mesophilic aerobic count, enterobacteria, coliforms, among others) as pathogenic microorganisms (Salmonella spp.research,Listeria monocytogenesresearch, among others) These are sent to the participating organisation to be analysed as if they were food. The results are processed online using an easily accessible platform with high confidentiality standards. Participating companies can upload their results progressively. After a statistical analysis, each participant then receives a personalised report with their result evaluation and analysis. Each year, AINIA develps three types of intercomparative sectorial tests of microbiological analysis that take into account the distinctive features of each type of product.   Intercomparative studies 2022 Comprised of 2 rounds with 2 analytical samples.
  • First round in April 2022
  • Second round in October 2022
Special conditions for AINIA associated companies 10% discount on the intercomparative fee New promotion 10% discount for companies that participated in the training course on quality control for microbiology laboratories in the agri-food sector on October 28, 2021. Customised interlaboratories Due to the diversity of sector requirements and the need for specific analyses, AINIA will design and implement customised exercises based on the parameters of interest for a group of companies*. *subject to a minimum participation of companies   Maximum confidentiality Participants’ data and the evaluation results are treated with absolute confidentiality from the moment they register for the programme. AINIA’s technical team has extensive experience in microbiological analysis and analytical techniques used for its detection. AINIA offers support, technical assistance and training to companies or laboratories that have had deviations in their results or technical complications in the methodologies used, in order to improve their business.

How can I help you?

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Responsable AINIA
Domicilio Calle Benjamín Franklin, 5 a 11, CP 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
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Consiento el uso de mis datos personales para que atiendan mi solicitud, según lo establecido en su Política de Privacidad.

Consiento el uso de mis datos para recibir información y comunicaciones comerciales de su entidad.

Alba Yépez
Microbiology Laboratory

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