In vitro 2

Obtain scientific evidence of the health effect of an ingredient, active ingredient or food

Assessing gastrointestinal resistance, intestinal absorption and functionality of bioactive compounds as well as their ability to modulate the gut microbiota. These are all essential steps in the development of functional foods. The integrated system of the in vitro Dynamic Digester and cellular models allows us to study the gastrointestinal resistance of compounds contained in food, their intestinal absorption and their functional effect on target organs.
  • Bioaccessibility
  • Bioavailability
  • Modulation of gut microbiota
  • Antioxidant effect
  • Anti-inflammatory effect
  • Satiating effect
  • Ocular health
  • Muscle metabolism

At AINIA we give you value

  • Extensive experience in anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antioxidant, neuroprotective, bone health, etc. functionality testing.
  • We design customised tests. We can work with almost any functionality, both with "simple" cultures and with co-cultures (combining two types of cell lines)

In vitro dynamic digester tests and cell culture trials

We study functionality with the appropriate cell models and biomarkers for the target functionality. They are custom-designed.
  • Assessment of an ingredient’s or active ingredient’s gastrointestinal resistance, bioaccessibility or digestibility with the in vitro dynamic digester
  • Assessment of an ingredient’s or active ingredient’s bioavailability and health functionality using cellular models
  • Evaluation of gut microbiota modulation with the dynamic colonic fermentation digester

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Blanca Viadel
In-vitro digestion

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