
Bioproducts, bioenergy, biofuels, biofertilisers, feed, ingredients and foods

A multitude of by-products, waste and wastewater are generated that are not adequately valorised, thus wasting the resources they contain and the possibilities of obtaining valuable bio-products from them.

A biorefinery is the sustainable processing of biomass into a broad spectrum of commercially interesting bioproducts. These can be energy, food, feed, fertilisers or bio-based products. Industry or facility is used for a production model or concept for a wide range of biomass products. Biomasses, which are the ‘feedstock’ of biorefineries, can be of many different origins and can even come from more than one source during the year (multi-feedstock biorefineries):
  • Agricultural: crop residues, waste generated in co-ops, organic waste from greenhouses, cereal straw, wastes, etc.
  • Livestock: livestock manure
  • Forestry: forest cleaning residues, wood processing residues, pasture, etc.
  • Industrial: organic remains of raw materials as a result of processing in the food and other industries
  • Urban: organic fraction of separately collected municipal waste, wastewater and sludge from WWTP (municipal and industrial), garden pruning waste…
  • New biomasses: industrial crops, microalgae, lemna, insects, etc.

At AINIA we give you value

  • Biorefinery and biogas plants
  • Bioproduction plant
  • Aquatic crops plant
  • Nanocellulose production plant
  • Effluent recovery plant
  • Supercritical Fluids Pilot Plant
At AINIA we develop biorefinery models as economically and environmentally sustainable industrial solutions. Our aim is to maximise the use of the resources contained in waste and by-products in the form of commercially valuable bioproducts.


We develop technologies for the processing and obtaining of new bioproducts with the use of biorefinery models. Biorefinery processes are most often implemented in an integrated, efficient and synergistic manner (win-win relationships) and are generally biological, mechanical, physical, thermo-physical and/or chemical (including enzymatic) processes. A biorefinery can produce a wide range of energy and non-energy final products. In addition to these bioproducts, biorefineries can also produce bioenergy, biofuels, biofertilisers, animal feed, ingredients and/or foods. When developing solutions, we must take into account the environmental and energetic sustainability during biomass transformation. A facility cannot be considered a biorefinery if its production of a wide range of products comes at the expense of a high environmental impact, e.g. a high carbon footprint or the production of hazardous waste. For this reason, it is essential to carry out an environmental assessment for this type of R&D project.

How can I help you?

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Begoña Ruiz
Head of Biotechnological Department

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