Investigación mercados

For a successful product launch, the consumer must be taken into account in the innovation and development processes

What would happen if your product is not well liked due to poor targeting or because it does not meet the consumer’s expectations?

You would have to reconsider the time and money investment that was made. This is why involving consumers from the very beginning of the innovation process will contribute to targeting new developments according to their tastes and needs, as well as to meeting their expectations. Customer or potential customer feedback is a key consideration when planning a new strategic direction in product innovation, covering a market segment, developing a new product range, accessing a new market, or improving an existing product or service.

At AINIA we give you value

  • More than 30 years of experience in the agri-food sector
  • Product design with the final customer increases the likelihood of market success
  • Identifying growth and development opportunities by an in-depth knowledge of consumer behaviour according to category, including usage and attitudes
  • As an Innovation Centre, R&D technical support in consumer research processes by studying their technical feasibility and economic viability
  • Identifying and assessing new solutions that respond to the target audience’s needs and expectations
  • Study context: it is conducted in the consumer’s real environment, without modifying their attitudes and in a flexible way, using non-invasive techniques

Market Research for Innovation

  • We identify market opportunities and consumer needs, the current market situation and the economic and social context of a product category
  • We innovate with the consumer from the beginning of the process, through the co-creation of new product concepts. We identify technically feasible and economically viable solutions that meet consumer needs
  • We select the consumers who will participate over a given period of time
  • We design dynamic and interactive activities that consumers can complete as part of the online community

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Cristina Jodar
Head of Market Research

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