Interacción envase - producto migraciones

Businesses need safe and legally compliant packaging

The packaging manufacturing and use value chain must be able to trace the suitability of the materials being used. The producer of packaging, packaging materials and packaging additives must offer safe packaging solutions that comply with the legislation for packaging materials in contact with foods. The packaging user needs information from his suppliers to ensure that the packaging or packaging materials received are suitable for the products to be packaged. This includes their specific production processes, as well as considering the product’s distribution and how the packaging will be used by the end user (especially if it will be heated in a microwave or oven). Even if you do not know the formulation details of what you receive from a supplier, every company should have Declarations of Conformity or Appropriate Information on the raw materials supplied to you and for their intended use.

At AINIA we give you value

  • Integrated solutions: packaging and product knowledge and understanding of all the materials and packaging processes up to the final consumption of the products
  • Based on objective scientific-technical information
  • Formulation and processing alternatives that avoid migration
  • Migration testing for materials and packaging

Packaging-product interaction migrations

We assist companies in interpreting the information received from their suppliers regarding materials, additives, packaging (tests, declarations of conformity, technical data sheets, conditions of use, etc.).
  • Our solution is comprehensive. We are familiar with the packaging manufacturing and food packaging processes. We can study the potential risks involved and help avoid or reduce them in the processes and materials where they may arise.
  • We have expertise in analytics, legislation, materials formulation and processes
  • By knowing the final functionalities required of the packaging, we are able to change or adjust formulations
On the other hand and in collaboration with our legislation department, we offer consultancy to generate EFSA dossiers to register new substances involved in the formulation of food contact materials.

How can I help you?

Información básica sobre protección de datos

Responsable AINIA
Domicilio Calle Benjamín Franklin, 5 a 11, CP 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
Finalidad Atender, registrar y contactarle para resolver la solicitud que nos realice mediante este formulario de contacto
Legitimación Sus datos serán tratados solo con su consentimiento, al marcar la casilla mostrada en este formulario
Destinatarios Sus datos no serán cedidos a terceros
Derechos Tiene derecho a solicitarnos acceder a sus datos, corregirlos o eliminarlos, también puede solicitarnos limitar su tratamiento, oponerse a ello y a la portabilidad de sus datos, dirigiéndose a nuestra dirección postal o a
Más info Dispone de más información en nuestra Política de Privacidad
DPD Si tiene dudas sobre como trataremos sus datos o quiere trasladar alguna sugerencia o queja, contacte al Delegado de protección de datos en o en el Formulario de atención al interesado

Consiento el uso de mis datos personales para que atiendan mi solicitud, según lo establecido en su Política de Privacidad.

Consiento el uso de mis datos para recibir información y comunicaciones comerciales de su entidad.

Carmen Calatayud
Head of Food Contact Materials Laboratory

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