Proteínas Alternativas

Developing new products based on healthier and more sustainable alternative proteins

Population growth denotes the increasing demand for protein sources. We must ensure sustainability in managing this resource through more efficient processes and through the use of new protein sources. This is essential to the development of a more competitive, sustainable and inclusive economy (European Strategy 2020). In addition to the environmental factor, consumers are looking for more natural and, above all, healthier foods. Moreover, there is a growing market for sports-specific nutrition through protein foods that increase or regenerate muscle mass under conditions of intense physical exertion. Given this boom in demand and the limitations encountered in the production of animal protein, we need to look for alternative sources.

At AINIA we give you value

  • Biomass production systems (lemna, microalgae, SCP, etc.) designed to generate new protein sources
  • Design and application of technological processes (physical, chemical and biotechnological) to develop new protein ingredients with improved nutritional and/or technological properties.
  • Development of new products that incorporate alternative proteins
  • Selection of technologies to match food matrices

Alternative protein products

We identify new potential sources for obtaining and improving sustainable protein ingredients such as lemna, micro and macroalgae, insects or Single Cell Protein (SCP), including mycoprotein from mushroom mycelium or yeast protein. During the entire process we take into account the legal feasibility and assess the environmental sustainability when producing and/or obtaining the protein ingredients from the identified sources. As a result of recent technological advances, new proteins (microalgae, SCP, lemna, insects, etc.) with different nutritional profiles can be obtained by selecting new organisms and/or modifying their cultivation or production conditions. One such example is the use of biotechnology to obtain new improved proteins by selecting different source micro-organisms. Once we have the different protein sources, our aim is to optimize the production of new protein ingredients. We therefore have to determine the necessary processes for their fractionation and functionalisation that will contribute to improving the new protein ingredients’ techno-functional and nutritional properties. Computational tools can also be applied to monitor and optimise these processes and assess their feasibility… Beginning with the alternative proteins, we customise the processes used to create new products. To do so, we use the most appropriate technologies to achieve the desired sensory properties and textures. We also take into account its interaction with the rest of the ingredients in the formulation
  • 3D Printers
Our extensive knowledge of cell culture and regenerative medicine and tissue engineering techniques… Cultured meat is comprised of the same types of cells as meat. They are arranged in the same or similar structure as animal tissues, thus replicating the sensory and nutritional profiles of conventional meat.

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Domicilio Calle Benjamín Franklin, 5 a 11, CP 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
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Mariana Valverde
Product and Process Technologies

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