Estudio viabilidad plantas biogas

When setting up a biogas plant with specific boundary conditions, it is essential to know the feasibility and profitability of the project. This includes information regarding potential cost savings, CO2 emission savings, branding, CSR and other issues. Specifically, an analysis of the different technical and economic factors that affect the viability of a biogas and/or biomethane project is necessary to define an appropriate design and a profitable business model

  • Conducting an initial diagnosis by assessing various aspects such as energy, environmental, logistical, agricultural, legislative, etc. that have an influence on the project.
  • A study on the availability and characteristics of agro-industrial waste for co-digestion
  • If applicable, testing of maximum biogas production potential for significant waste or waste mixtures
  • If appropriate, simulation of pilot scale co-digestion processes with selected mixtures: evaluation of optimal organic load, effect of pre-treatments, quality of biogas and digestate, etc. Determining the optimal mix to maximise biogas production
  • If appropriate, digestate quality assessment and crop application testing
  • Drafting a report describing the raw materials to be used, technical characteristics and basic operation of the biogas plant, intended use of the biogas, investment and operating costs, energy, environmental and economic balances, as well as other relevant elements

At AINIA we give you value

  • Multidisciplinary study to address the analysis of the different factors considered as regards the valorisation of available organic waste/by-products (technology, guarantee of waste supply, agronomic use of digestate, etc.)
  • Risk detection of the biogas production process using a methodological diagnosis based on practical experience with installations, experimentation, understanding of the market and previous projects in the area.
  • Extensive knowledge of the digestion process based on the experience and continuous training of the technical experts in the field.
  • Laboratory and experimental facilities that permit in-depth feasibility studies to be carried out according to the client’s needs: from preliminary studies to process simulation studies. These are conducted on pilot digesters in order to achieve the basic design of a biogas plant.
  • Compliance with reference standards (standard VDI4630) in prepared infrastructures to determine the biomethanisation potential. The customer-specific organic waste is analysed to base the feasibility study on data adjusted to the target waste to be used in the biogas plant project.

Feasibility study of biogas plants

Our studies include a comprehensive assessment of each stage during the transformation of organic substrates into useful bioenergy. These include a full evaluation of the technical, economic and environmental factors involved. We provide a complete and informative view of the most appropriate technologies, processes and project development options in each case. Through our techno-economic feasibility studies we evaluate the particular needs of each client and each plant, identifying efficient, profitable and sustainable solutions.

How can I help you?

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Paz Gómez

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