Desarrollo y mejora de producto

Foods whose sensory quality is safe, with improved nutritional profiles, clean label, healthy and sustainable

The consumer society is constantly evolving and consumer needs are changing. Over the past few years, the demand for sensory quality, safe, nutritionally enhanced, clean label, healthy and sustainable food has become a trend-setter. On the other hand, the competitive market forces companies in the agri-food sector to look for ways to set themselves apart from their competitors by developing innovative and attractive products for the consumer. Current services are aimed at satisfying the needs of clients who are looking for:
  • Development of new foods aimed at specific population segments (children, adolescents, adults, etc.) and pathological groups (diabetics, coeliacs, etc.) The composition of these foods takes into account specific dietary recommendations, and the consumer becomes an integral part of the development process.
  • Improvement or modification of the sensory characteristics of traditional products (texture, colour, taste, smell, etc.)
  • Product design adapted to the current market reality and new consumer needs (ready meals, convenience food, vegan products…)
  • Transcription or counter-typing of a store-brand FMCG product to the leading product in the market
  • Clean label product development
  • Development of products with improved nutritional profile (low in salt, fat, or sugars; high in fibre, etc.) without compromising the safety, texture and taste of the final product
  • Improvement of existing products by incorporating functional ingredients, both from a technological and consumer point of view
  • Improvement of the organoleptic and nutritional characteristics of the product by adjusting the thermal process in terms of food quality and safety
  • Adapting traditional products to industrial production by developing protocols (fermented products, etc.)

At AINIA we add value to the food stability process

  • Multidisciplinary approach to the product development process
  • Developing products from ideation/conceptualisation to final validation, with a focus on the consumer (Consumer-led Food Product Development)
  • Experiments in pilot plants and with small-scale technologies (extrusion, heat treatment, packaging, …)
  • Prototype monitoring and validation in our own bio-testing and physical-chemical laboratories, standardised tasting rooms (with a database of more than 30,000 consumers for consumer opinion research and a selected and trained panel of tasters with more than 1,700 hours of experience in Quantitative Descriptive Analysis)
  • Cost savings through prototype screening for improved nutritional, sensory and technological characteristics

Product development and improvement

The service is developed through the following stages:
  • Study of the initial situation: physical-chemical, nutritional and organoleptic characterisation of the specific product. A search for alternatives to improve the products. Defining the different alternatives to be used from in terms of composition and processing.
  • The proposed formulations are implemented. The substitutes used and/or the technologies applied during the manufacturing process are then evaluated to measure their technological suitability. This is done by means of physical-chemical and nutritional characterisation and organoleptic assessment.
  • Shelf-life study
  • Consumer acceptance and preference test

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Domicilio Calle Benjamín Franklin, 5 a 11, CP 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
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Maite Navarro
Product and Process Technologies

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