Materiales envases funcionales

To make packaging easier to use for the end-consumer

Adapting packaging to new consumption patterns and lifestyles. The search for new functionalities that make it easier for consumers to handle the packaging so that they can properly use the products they buy in the supermarket.

At AINIA we give you value

  • Complete packaging solution. Design, functionality, sustainability…
  • Designs that combine functionality and hedonism
  • Technical-economic-environmental feasibility studies

Functional packaging materials

We design packaging solutions with the functionalities needed to meet consumer demand. When analysing the design of the solution, different aspects are considered:
  • Insight into the shortcomings of the current packaging on the market
  • Material transformation, product requirements (foods…) and their transformation processes.
  • Analysis of the transformation processes and the packaging performance under the stresses of use or distribution.
  • Food contact materials legislation
  • Current and applied for patents
Within our pilot plant, our suppliers provide various types of materials and prototypes, which we use to generate materials with different compositions. We reproduce situations with the prototypes, creating experience plans to demonstrate the functionalities. In parallel, we test packaging materials and packaged products in our laboratories. To finalise the process, we conduct several consumer studies to validate the functionality and ergonomics of the various developed solutions.

How can I help you?

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Responsable AINIA
Domicilio Calle Benjamín Franklin, 5 a 11, CP 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
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Pedro Zomeño
Packaging Technologies

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