Conservante sy antimicrobianos naturales

Providing customers with increasingly natural and safe food by reducing reliance on synthetic ingredients

The dangerous increase in drug resistance, the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics. can cause infections that are increasingly difficult to treat in humans. There is a clear need to look for antimicrobial solutions as an alternative to antibiotics. In addition, there are new microbiological and chemical emerging risks, which require strategies that take into account the specifics of each situation. Industry should seek strategies for a safe food chain that minimise the impact of zoonotic diseases (Salmonella, E-Coli) on society.

At AINIA we give you value

  • Design of new natural antimicrobial strategies based on natural extracts or compounds obtained from biotechnological processes.
  • Defining preservation processes that are based on natural additives
  • Efficacy study of natural antimicrobials
  • A study of the interaction between the matrix and natural preservatives: its effect on the food’s shelf life and organoleptic characteristics

Natural preservatives and antimicrobials

We analyse the food matrix and the microbiological risks that may arise. This information is used to research and develop new antimicrobial strategies as alternatives to the use of antibiotics in the supply chain. Strategies that, unlike antibiotics, focus on fighting micro-organisms more precisely, minimising the development of associated resistance. We combine our know-how in bioprocessing and proteomics to further develop new bio-based antimicrobial compounds (e.g. bacteriocins and endolysins). We define efficient strategies for their production, purification and incorporation into food. We contribute our experience in bacteriophage virus isolation, which allows us to identify more attractive endolysins after sequencing. We design targeted and specific strategies (enzymatic hydrolysis, biocatalysis) to obtain the desired bioactive peptides. We evaluate the characteristics and the manufacturing process of the particular food matrix. Then we propose natural alternatives to the preservatives traditionally used in the particular food. For all these processes, we have our own Biological and Genetic Resource Collection, which contains microorganisms with antimicrobial properties and pathogens isolated from real environments to better assess their antimicrobial capacity. We have tools based on proteomic techniques and tools that allow us to determine the specific effect of these types of molecules on pathogenic microorganisms (Salmonella, Lysteria, E.coli/STEC, Staphylococcus, Campylobacter…)

How can I help you?

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Domicilio Calle Benjamín Franklin, 5 a 11, CP 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
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Amparo de Benito
microbiological models

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