
The search for processes to obtain new natural and sustainable ingredients

Consumers are changing and becoming increasingly attentive to the sustainability and origin of products. There is an increasing demand for natural ingredients and products that are produced in accordance with sustainable standards. Searching for new ingredient sources is a challenge, as is the sustainable and clean sourcing of them once they have been found. When marketing the products, a key factor is the quality of the ingredients. This is why the solutions provided must not adversely affect the properties of the natural ingredients. On the other hand, dealing with the effluents generated in the extraction process is costly for the company, which affects its competitiveness and capacity to negotiate.

At AINIA we give you value

  • Turn-key solutions. Developing the initial idea through to industrial production
  • Techno-economic studies to ensure feasibility
  • A more sustainable solution than the conventional ones. Clean technology that does not generate waste
  • Multi-purpose industrial plant. ECO Certifications and Good Production Practices

CO2 supercritical extraction and separation

CO2 supercritical extraction is an efficient and natural alternative for obtaining new ingredients (foods and cosmetics, functional substances, fragrances, APIs), removal of fats, impurities or unwanted substances ( smells, pesticides…). On the other hand, high-pressure CO2 permits microbiological inactivation without requiring high temperatures, and can be used for impregnation and treatment of advanced materials.   Food
  • Obtaining natural extracts
  • Removing fats from foods
  • Removing unwanted substances
Learn more Cosmetics
  • Extracting essential oils and vegetable fats
  • Extracting fragrances and functional ingredients
  • Removing unwanted substances
Learn more Pharmacy
  • Extracting active ingredients (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient, APIs)
  • Removing unwanted substances
Learn more

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Miguel García
Head of Supercritical Fluids Department – ALTEX

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