Robótica móvil

Improve productivity, save costs and be more sustainable through precision farming

Traditional agriculture is based on observations and experience of farmers and field workers. However, by using new technologies, it is possible to analyse a multitude of parameters. When we combine them with information on the competitive environment, we can determine what actions are needed to improve productivity, to save costs and to be more sustainable. Increasingly, farms must be able to produce competitively and to the highest quality, as if they were an industry. Precision Farming involves observing, measuring and responding to the variety of parameters that influence crops. Agriculture 4.0 implies an evolution through the use of robotic technologies and advanced information technologies that generate value from the intelligent processing and fusion of captured data.

At AINIA we give you value

  • Machine vision pilot plant
  • Spectroscopy pilot plant
  • Showroom Plant
  • Design and manufacturing laboratory
  • Precision farming platform based on an RPA or sensorised hexacopter-type drone
  • Precision farming platform based on sensorised land mobile robots
  • Proprietary software platform for real-time capture, analysis and processing of data and images generated by visible, spectral and laser image sensors
  • Cluster of servers specialised in mass storage and processing of agri-food data

Mobile robotics and predictive, management and resource optimisation systems

R&D projects involving mobile robotics, sensors and remote sensing, artificial intelligence and information technologies applied to the agricultural sector aim to improve crop productivity and production profitability, to reduce the environmental impact of agricultural tasks and to monitor and manage crop risks. There are many potential target applications in this type of technological innovation projects for such a large and high-potential sector.

How can I help you?

Información básica sobre protección de datos

Responsable AINIA
Domicilio Calle Benjamín Franklin, 5 a 11, CP 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
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Consiento el uso de mis datos para recibir información y comunicaciones comerciales de su entidad.

Ricardo Diaz
Head of Intelligent Automation Department

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