Laboratorio ensayos físicos

Understand the physical characteristics of your products to guarantee their organoleptic quality throughout their shelf life

Food must obviously be safe, but it must also meet consumer expectations and needs in terms of organoleptic quality. An important part of this is determined by its physical characteristics (texture, viscosity, rheological behavior, etc.). For this reason, it is important to be able to determine these with sufficient accuracy, precision and reproducibility, using the appropriate methodologies and equipment. The physical analysis of food is an indispensable tool for:
  • Quality control
  • Comparing different production processes
  • Supplier screening
  • Product organoleptic shelf life studies

At AINIA we give you value

  • Technical assistance in identifying which tests and methodologies should be applied to each product for the specific purpose in each case.
  • Results interpretation

Physical testing

Within the scope of physical testing of foods, we offer services such as:
  • Testing of textures: compression, shear and extrusion tests
  • Viscosity: rheological curves, consistency, Casson viscosity (chocolates)
  • Water activity
  • Others:
    • Differential scanning calorimetry (Applications: fat melting, crystallisation, oxidation, protein denaturation, etc.)
    • Colour
    • Density
    • Density
We have equipment such as: rheometer, Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC), colourimeter and water activity gauge.

How can I help you?

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Responsable AINIA
Domicilio Calle Benjamín Franklin, 5 a 11, CP 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
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Carmen Calatayud
Head of Food Contact Materials Laboratory

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