
Ensure the safety and legal conformity of your food products, and learn about their fundamental characterisation

Metals such as arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury are naturally occurring chemical compounds. Because they are present in the environment, they may be contaminants in food.They can occur as a result of human activity such as agriculture, industry or automobile exhaust emissions, or from contamination during the processing and storage of foods. People may be exposed to these metals through ingestion of contaminated food or water. Over time, the accumulation of these substances can have adverse effects on the body. Food operators must take preventive measures to ensure that the presence of metals does not endanger consumer health. They therefore keep these levels at the lowest possible level by adhering to recommended good practices and with safeguards against exceeding the legally established maximum limits. Their objective is to protect public health. Metals (trace elements, sodium, calcium, etc.) are also found in food as constituent elements, as well as in additives, dietary products, cosmetics, waste (sludge, sewage, etc.), biogas or packaging materials (FCM).

At AINIA we give you value

  • Accredited to perform analytical metal testing by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES).
  • Matrices included in the range of foods and alcoholic beverages
  • Accredited in the Accreditation Programme “Testing for organic production control” (NT-70.09). Metal residue testing for the control of organic production. Metals (Copper, Lead, Cadmium)
  • Designated as an official control laboratory for testing Arsenic, Cadmium, Tin, Mercury and Lead in food and alcoholic beverages
  • Quick response, deadlines adapted to our clients’ needs
  • Consultation to optimise control plans and to interpret the final results
  • Method design and validation for special matrices (plasma, breast milk, etc.)
  • We also provide analytical methodologies in accordance with Pharmacopoeia requirements
Consult accreditation in: ENAC accreditations AINIA laboratories


Our solutions include:
  • Assessment in the selection of the most appropriate metals to be tested depending on the product
  • Providing support in managing the logistics of samples in order to adapt the conditions of collection, conditioning, transport and reception of samples
  • Analyses are performed using the most appropriate techniques, combining criteria of high reliability, costs and deadlines adapted to our clients’ needs
  • Results are delivered through secure and accessible platforms, based on the most advanced information and communication technologies
  • Consultation to ensure the correct interpretation of the obtained results
We analyze:
  • Contaminants: Cadmium, Mercury, Arsenic, Chromium, etc.
  • Constituent and trace elements: Iron, Copper, Selenium, Nickel, Zinc, etc.
  • Nutrients: Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium etc.
  • Additives: Titanium Dioxide
  • Migrations (FCM): Barium, Lithium, Iron, Cobalt, etc.
  • Impurity migration (FCM): Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, etc.
  • Lanthanide Migration (FCM)
In various matrices such as: food, alcoholic beverages, additives, cosmetics, dietetic products, sludge, wastewater, biogas, packaging materials (FCM), biological samples…

How can I help you?

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Responsable AINIA
Domicilio Calle Benjamín Franklin, 5 a 11, CP 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
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Consiento el uso de mis datos para recibir información y comunicaciones comerciales de su entidad.

Vicente Carbonell
Head of Chemical Laboratory

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