Diseño higiénico

Ensuring product safety is a priority for industry

One of the keys is to minimise the risk of contamination that may occur during the production process

Industries that produce products susceptible to contamination are aware of the importance of minimising the risks of such contamination. It is important to reduce non-quality related costs (product immobilisation and, in the worst case, product destruction) as well as to avoid problems arising from food crises.

At AINIA we give you value

  • Expertise in food and cosmetics manufacturing processes, and experience in assessing the risks associated with these processes
  • We are a prominent member of EHEDG, the world’s leading organisation in this field. The technicians in charge of the service have extensive experience endorsed by EHEDG and are Authorised Trainers and Authorised Evaluators for EHEDG.
  • Identifying and assessing the sources or possible origin of hazards (pathogenic micro-organisms, pesticides, allergens, etc.) associated with product manufacturing in the process line or area under study
  • Improvement action plan defined and organised according to the risks associated with the identified hazard or incident. The necessary corrective measures are established, prioritised and monitored to ensure that the company can guarantee the safety of its products.
  • Being able to provide evidence to third parties (customers and consumers) that the product is produced under highly guaranteed safety conditions
  • Cost saving opportunity. Improved hygienic design of the facilities means less resource consumption in maintenance, cleaning and disinfection operations. Cost savings in the use of drinking water and its purification

Hygienic design of equipment and facilities

  • Food or cosmetic industries
    • Hygienic assessment of processing lines. Identifying possible sources and pathways of product contamination by reviewing in detail all aspects of the process that may affect product quality and safety (flows, design of equipment and facilities, process control, cleaning and disinfection practices, etc.). Defining proposals for improvement and prioritising them according to the risk involved.
    • Helping to design new facilities or to remodel existing ones in order to include the hygiene factor.
    • Identifying the internal requirements for hygienic design and helping to implement them in all required areas of the company
    • Open or customised training programmes in hygienic design
  • Equipment and facility manufacturers
    • Assessing the hygienic design of equipment, regardless of whether or not the objective is to obtain EHEDG certification.
    • Collaborating to design equipment and installations for improved hygienic design
    • Identifying the internal requirements for hygienic design and helping to implement them in all required areas of the company
    • Open or customised training programmes in hygienic design

How can I help you?

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Rafa Soro
Industrial hygiene

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