Ciclo vida

Improve your environmental footprint and optimise the use of your resources

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) identifies the environmental impact of a product, process or service throughout the different stages of its life cycle, from the beginning until the end. Essentially, the LCA takes into account all types of environmental impacts, from the extraction of the raw materials required for manufacture to its final disposal as waste. This includes all resource consumption (water, soil, mineral resources, fuels, etc.) and potentially hazardous emissions (such as carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, phosphates, heavy metals, pesticides, etc.). The LCA methodology can be partially applied to the quantification and assessment of specific environmental impacts, such as greenhouse gas emissions (Carbon Footprint) or water use (Water Footprint). This tool facilitates the task of quantifying and assessing the overall environmental impacts associated with products and activities. As a result, the most problematic stages can be identified from an environmental point of view, providing very useful information for decision-making and for defining environmental improvement plans. The same methodology can be applied to other aspects such as cost (Life Cycle Cost Analysis) and social aspects (Social LCA).

At AINIA we give you value

  • More than 30 years of service to the food industry
  • Extensive experience designing more sustainable production systems based on circular economy criteria

Life cycle analysis. Environmental footprint

We perform diagnosis of processes and facilities to detect possible ways of improving the economic and environmental sustainability of production processes and the application of Best Available Techniques (BATs). Reduction of costs and environmental impact related to resource consumption (water, energy, auxiliary materials) or waste management (wastewater, recovery of by-products, etc.) Definition and environmental assessment of technologies and circular production systems. Calculating the environmental footprint (Carbon Footprint, Water Footprint, Life Cycle Assessment) as a tool for continuous company improvement.
  • We provide the industry with environmental improvement solutions that are technically, economically and environmentally feasible
  • In-depth analysis of production processes and auxiliary services (steam, refrigeration, compressed air, water purification, etc.), impact quantification and prioritisation of environmental improvement actions
  • Internal reuse/recycling possibilities (energy, water)
  • Definition of eco-indicators and calculation of environmental footprints (Life Cycle Assessment) as tools for continuous improvement

How can I help you?

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Domicilio Calle Benjamín Franklin, 5 a 11, CP 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
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Alfredo Rodrigo

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