Beatriz Gimenez / 25 July 2016

ALIMERKA, a new intelligent system for information management in its supermarkets

The supermarket chain Alimerka has a new intelligent system for management of information of its food product references. The system integrates an extensive data base of information of value of the products and allows the consumer, through an APP, to obtain information about allergens, nutritional information, origin, etc. including healthy buying recommendations, opinions of other consumers through the social networks based on the consumer’s profile and his/her shopping history, which helps to improve the shopping experience in the chain’s supermarkets.

At the same time, the system also allows internal management of references, products and ingredients by suppliers. It is the result of the Smartexfood project in which the Artificial Intelligence Institute (IIAA-CSIC), two companies specializing in software, Alimerka and AINIA have collaborated.”

Beatriz Gimenez (2 articles)


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Beatriz Gimenez

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