Limpieza y desinfección de superficies

Hygienic environments

Industries that produce consumible products susceptible to contamination (food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics) understand the importance of efficient sanitisation processes. They must ensure that surfaces and the processing environment meet the required level or degree of hygiene in such a way that the same level of hygienic confidence is maintained in each production batch. On the other hand, industrial hygiene companies are interested in innovative and differential sanitising products and/or technologies that meet the needs of their customers. This ensures effective cleaning and disinfection of their processes and contributes to improving sustainability.

At AINIA we give you value

  • Third party assessment of the effectiveness (hygienic and/or environmental) of the sanitisation process (validation/verification)
  • Opportunity to reduce consumption and/or save time in sanitisation operations
  • Effectiveness evaluation/assessment of a new cleaning technology
  • Implementation of a new sanitisation technology
  • Cleanability assessment

Cleaning and disinfection of surfaces

  • Verification of the effectiveness (validation) of the industrial sanitisation process and proposal of improvements. It is addressed in three stages:
    • Preliminary study of the installation and of the cleaning and disinfection protocol (sanitisation)
    • Evaluation of the effectiveness and control of the cleaning and disinfection protocol (open or CIP)
    • Proposals to improve the industrial sanitisation process efficiency
  • Improving the eco-efficiency of sanitisation processes. Reducing environmental impact
    • Initial diagnosis and characterisation of the production and sanitisation process
    • Proposal for improvement
  • Development of new sanitisation technologies (bio-cleaners, dry ice, liquid ice, ozone, plasma…) In order to solve current difficulties in sanitising specific elements and/or to offer more sustainable alternatives.
    • Application design and development of the new technology for a specific use
    • Pilot assessment of hygienic efficacy
    • Pilot assessment of environmental impact
    • Industrial prototype design and development
    • Implementation of the new sanitisation technology and industrial testing of its effectiveness

How can I help you?

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Rafa Soro
Industrial hygiene

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