
Verifiy legal compliance and product specification compliance through additive analysis

Additives are substances included in foods for technological purposes (to improve their appearance, texture, resistance to micro-organisms, etc.) at different stages of manufacture, transport or storage. All additives used in the EU must be evaluated and authorised. To do so, various conditions must be met. It must be proven that the additives are safe in quantity, that they are required in the foods for which they have been approved, and that they will not mislead consumers. The additives must be included in the food composition table, indicating their function in the food. They can be listed by name or by their E-number, a code for which they are authorised in the European Union. Food additives are quantified for the following reasons:
  • To verify their legislative compliance
  • To ensure the quality of the products (compliance with specifications)

At AINIA we give you value

  • Accredited for testing foodstuffs for Sulphur dioxide, (sulphurous), Sorbic acid, Benzoic acid, Saccharin, Cyclamate, Nitrites and nitrates
  • Consultation to optimise control plans and to interpret the final results
  • Quick response, deadlines adapted to our clients’ needs
  • We validate that the additives comply with technical and legal specifications.
Consult accreditation in: ENAC accreditations AINIA laboratories


Our solutions include:
  • Consultation regarding the design of control plans
  • Providing support in managing the logistics of samples in order to adapt the conditions of collection, conditioning, transport and reception of samples
  • Analyses are carried out using the most suitable techniques, combining the highest reliability criteria with costs and deadlines adapted to the needs of our clients, even when responding to positive release systems
  • Results are delivered through secure and accessible platforms, based on the most advanced information and communication technologies
  • Consultation to ensure the correct interpretation of the obtained results
We analyse
  • Colourants and dyes
  • Antioxidants
  • Sweeteners
  • Preserving agents
  • Flavourings
  • Acidulants

How can I help you?

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Responsable AINIA
Domicilio Calle Benjamín Franklin, 5 a 11, CP 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
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Consiento el uso de mis datos personales para que atiendan mi solicitud, según lo establecido en su Política de Privacidad.

Consiento el uso de mis datos para recibir información y comunicaciones comerciales de su entidad.

Vicente Carbonell
Head of the Chemical Laboratory

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