Elaboración cocinado

There are various key competitive instruments that help a company to survive and grow in the market. By innovating and launching new products, the company is able to maintain its competitive position. The dynamic agri-food sector is constantly evolving and launching new products on the market. The competitive market forces companies in the agri-food sector to look for ways to set themselves apart from their competitors by developing innovative and attractive products for the consumer.

At AINIA we give you value

  • Market-oriented. Launching innovative, safe products adapted to market trends
  • Comprehensive development of a "new product". We address all aspects of product and process (ingredients, formulation, technologies and unit operations involved, legislative framework, sensory quality, consumer perception, nutritional aspects, packaging, microbiological stability, etc.), and each of these is carried out by specialists in the field
  • Multifunctional pilot plants whose infrastructure allows the planning, design and development of new ingredients and products according to different development criteria: improvement of health properties, modification of textures, reduction of unhealthy ingredients, integration of new ingredients, preparation of emulsions, etc. Composed of 5 units: new protein foods, fruit and vegetable processing, conservation treatments, experimental cooking and food quality control
  • Possibility to experiment with low yields and availability of different product formulations as a pre-marketing phase
  • Availability of adjacent pilot plant equipment for adapting and conditioning raw materials and ingredients: atomisation, microencapsulation, supercritical fluid extraction, extrusion, lyophilisation…
  • Consumer validationl throughout development. availability of the trained panel of tasters to lead in the product optimisation and final consumer acceptance and approval

Design of new food processing methods

Wide range of solutions when developing and improving products and ingredients according to consumer needs, expectations and acceptance.
  • Product development targeting a specific population sector
  • Improvement or modification of the sensory characteristics of traditional products (improvement of texture, colour, taste, etc.)
  • Product design adapted to market realities and new consumer needs
  • Product development focused on the clean label product line
  • Development of healthy products (low in fat and sugars, high in fibre, etc.) or with specific nutritional qualities according to the target population group
  • Development of new product presentation formats
  • Adapting typical products for industrial production by developing industrial protocols (fermented products…)

How can I help you?

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Responsable AINIA
Domicilio Calle Benjamín Franklin, 5 a 11, CP 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
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DPD Si tiene dudas sobre como trataremos sus datos o quiere trasladar alguna sugerencia o queja, contacte al Delegado de protección de datos en info@businessadapter.es o en el Formulario de atención al interesado

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Consiento el uso de mis datos para recibir información y comunicaciones comerciales de su entidad.

Beatriz Pérez
Product and Process Technologies

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