Depuración aguas residuales

To comply with the waste disposal legislation requirements

  • Wastewater treatment is a major expense for companies, costing up to several million in some industries. These are production costs that need to be optimised. In addition, companies that dispose of waste water into sewers or other receptacles are subject to administrative procedures for the payment of taxes depending on the degree of their waste water pollution. Companies face penalties and even plant closures if they do not comply with discharge limits and other legal requirements.
  • However, industries cannot have such specialised resources on staff, so they need independent suppliers or specialists to make the decisions regarding investments in new wastewater treatment plants or replacements or extensions of existing plants to improve their performance.

At AINIA we give you value

  • Increased technical and economic reliability in decision-making on investment or expenditure for wastewater treatment upgrades
  • Reducing the costs associated with wastewater treatment
  • Reducing the costs of sanitation charges
  • Legislation compliance
  • Availability of technical resources to conduct tests on the treatability of the customer’s specific waste water. Example: anaerobic water treatability or membrane filtration testing
  • Independent consulting, as we do not sell wastewater treatment plants
  • Expertise in agri-food wastewater treatment technologies
  • Specialisation in detecting minimisation opportunities within productive plants, or for regeneration and reuse in irrigation or other uses.

Wastewater treatment

  • Sampling and characterisation of wastewater entering the treatment plant. It includes physical-chemical and microbiological parameters. We use control probes, automatic samplers, etc Technical and legal advice on sanitation levy procedures
  • Identification of reduction opportunities of the volume and/or pollutant load of internal factory flows (minimisation) (see circular water management in industry service)
  • Laboratory or pilot scale testing of wastewater treatability through biological or physical-chemical processes such as aerobic or anaerobic biological treatment, membrane filtration, etc.
  • Conceptual design of purification processes and treatment dimensioning
  • Selection of treatment technologies
  • Support for companies when selecting purification technology suppliers, including the drafting of technical specifications

How can I help you?

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Responsable AINIA
Domicilio Calle Benjamín Franklin, 5 a 11, CP 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
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Consiento el uso de mis datos para recibir información y comunicaciones comerciales de su entidad.

Jorge Garcia Ivars

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