Envases activos

Ensuring food and consumer safety while preserving product quality

Depending on when it occurs, the deterioration of marketed products can lead to major economic losses, a decrease in the credibility of the distribution and a decline in consumer confidence. This leads to a deterioration of the company’s brand image. Ensuring product safety and meeting the consumer’s quality expectations is essential to avoiding alerts and to maintaining consumer confidence. In this respect, the right packaging is key. To verify the stability of the product under study against certain micro-organisms of risk, both in terms of food safety and commercial quality.

At AINIA we give you value

  • Improving Food Security
  • We guarantee the quality of packaged products
  • We reduce food waste and the associated economic costs
  • We contribute to improving consumer confidence

Active packaging design

We design active packaging that extends the shelf life, and maintains or improves the condition of the packaged food. These designs are based on the incorporation of components with controlled release into a food or packaging environment. The components are also designed to absorb substances from the food or packaging environment. Depending on the product type and marketing format (fresh, pre-cooked, etc.), the packaging will define the functionalities that it should provide. Oxygen- and moisture-absorbing packaging is available which can, among other things, retain exudates from the packaged products. On the other hand, there is packaging that incorporates antimicrobial substances to prevent the growth of pathogenic or spoilage micro-organisms. In addition, there are those that incorporate antioxidants to prevent spoilage. In all instances, the restrictive European legislation on authorised active materials must be verified. The active substance may be incorporated in various forms: through direct introduction of the active ingredient in a bag, sachet or label together with the product, or in the packaging material with a controlled release into the packaging.

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Responsable AINIA
Domicilio Calle Benjamín Franklin, 5 a 11, CP 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
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Consiento el uso de mis datos para recibir información y comunicaciones comerciales de su entidad.

Jose Ángel Garde
Packaging Technologies

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