Anticipate emerging risks that may have an impact on your business

An emerging risk is defined as the appearance of a new food hazard (biological or chemical) integrated or potentially integrated into the food chain, which is generally not covered by existing food legislation. Emerging risk advice focuses on a strategic business approach, intended to identify and develop scenarios that may arise in the short, medium or long term, due to the emergence of new food hazards that could potentially have a negative impact on the organisation’s business. Food legislation covers the identification of emerging risks through Regulation 178/2002 and Law 17/2011 on food safety and nutrition. In this sense, the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN) is the entity responsible for coordinating the identification and assessment of emerging risks using the tools available at national and international level, following in particular the guidelines of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

At AINIA we give you value

  • Comprehensive project in the food industry and related sectors
  • We have been part of the AESAN’s National Emerging Risks Network since its creation in 2014
  • With our global approach, in addition to identifying emerging risks, we also assist in minimising or reducing these risks from a technical point of view.
  • In-depth knowledge of the food and related industries
  • Food safety incident prevention and alerts

Emerging Risks Identification Service

  • The agri-food emerging risks identification and control system provides early warning of emerging risks that may affect the company’s activity. This helps to minimise the potential impact of the risks when they emerge
  • The emerging risk analytical methods integrate technological and foresight tools. These include computer tools for web-based information monitoring, horizon scanning methodology (Horizon Scanning) and scenario development (foresight)
  • We work on projects that analyse emerging risks, so that all parties involved in the food system can apply preventive measures (improvement plans, new policies, food pre-regulation, etc.) to reduce or eliminate the appearance and/or impact of these risks

How can I help you?

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Vicente Martinez
Food Quality and Safety Consultant

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