Cosmética, test de producto

Main challenges facing the sector

  • Social demand for sustainability
    • Companies have to orient towards a sustainable perspective and not only their products, but their processes and packaging
  • New consumer profile
    • Eco-technological consumer: with new digital habits and high commitment to the environment
    • Consumers are looking for personalized, effective, natural and sustainable products
    • Interest in value-added products, a consumer predisposed to try and experiment with new products
  • Evolution towards the digital transformation of the sector

Innovating in

  • Cosmetic ingredients and active principles
  • Product efficacy
  • Safety, stability and product quality
  • Cosmetic packaging
  • Consumer experience
  • Digitalization and Industry 4.0
  • Industrial services for obtaining cosmetic ingredients (ALTEX)
  • Advice on Cosmetic Regulation and Sustainability

CO2 supercritical extraction and separation

Obtaining new cosmetic ingredients with sustainable processes

Microencapsulación AINIA

Microencapsulation technologies

Enhance the properties of cosmetic ingredients

Compuestos bioactivos

Bioactive ingredients and compounds for cosmetics and personal hygiene

Bioactive ingredients and/or compounds development for cosmetic and personal hygiene products

Cosmética, envases y materiales sostenibles

More sustainable packaging and packaging materials

Product safety and shelf life to continue to meet functional requirements (logistics and consumer use)

In vitro

In vitro efficacy studies

Efficacy trials of dermocosmetics with advanced cell models and in vitro dynamic digesters for nutricosmetics

Limpieza y Desinfección de superficies

Cleaning and disinfection of surfaces

Optimising the efficiency of cleaning and disinfection processes (sanitisation)

AINIA at In-Cosmetics 2023. Sustainability and effectiveness, key aspects at In-Cosmetics Global

  • Sustainable processes, natural or underused raw materials and circularity, key trends in the cosmetics sector
  • “Medicalization of beauty”: Demand for evidence behind the claims
  • 5 processes that will help you achieve more sustainable, safe and effective cosmetic products
in cosmetics


Perception and profile of the consumer of nutricosmetics

Opportunities in the nutricosmetics market, knowing the perception of the consumer and their purchasing and consumption habits regarding these products

Estudio Percepción y perfil del consumidor de nutricosméticos

MAREA Project. Development of microcapsules with advanced properties for the cosmetics sector

  • Targeted delivery systems for cosmetic products
  • Challenges of controlled release for cosmetic products through microencapsulation
  • Microcapsules with advanced properties for the cosmetic sector
  • Pre-clinical effectiveness trials aimed at the cosmetics industry

How can I help you?

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Begoña Ruíz
Directora de Tecnologías

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