Cuerpos extraños

Ensuring food quality and safety with maximum efficiency and improved production yields

We must ensure the quality of the food that reaches the supermarket shelf. The composition of the processed products must be homogeneous and meet the specifications indicated on the labelling. The fresh products must be at the appropriate degree of ripeness. In addition to quality, food safety. To prevent foreign bodies from appearing and resulting in product or even batch recalls on the market, with the consequent economic and brand impact.

At AINIA we give you value

  • Customised solutions for foreign body detection
  • Identifying the degree of ripeness for specific products
  • Homogeneity control of product formulations
  • Non-destructive and production line application technologies
  • Deep learning-based technologies that provide highly reliable measurements and help to objectify food safety and quality controls

Advanced sensors

We design customised solutions based on technologies, such as advanced vision. These are capable of obtaining information quickly and non-destructively regarding the internal (mainly chemical) and external (physical) properties of products. This information is measured simultaneously and in real time throughout the entire production system. In both bulk and packaged products, we are able to use infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to measure the degree of ripeness of fruits and the amount of fat or to detect product flaws or even formulation errors. We use advanced sensors combined with Artificial Intelligence to optimise sorting, to identify flaws or to control the distribution of small foods, such as seeds, grains, pulses, nuts or small-sized products. We often need a combination of different solutions to identify foreign bodies, unwanted substances, cross-contamination or spoiled ingredients. We have developed a multimodal imaging system combining different solutions with software customised to the specifications of each product.

How can I help you?

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Responsable AINIA
Domicilio Calle Benjamín Franklin, 5 a 11, CP 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
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Ricardo Diaz
Head of Intelligent Automation Department

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