Sonia Marco / 03 October 2017

AINIA develops faster techniques for detecting emerging pathogens and food allergens

Nowadays, food security is called into question be cause of new biological risks: Gastroenteritis caused by the consumption of bottled water with norovirus, meat contaminated with the hepatitis E virus…

Food industry must first carry out microbiological analysis of its products in order to ensure that food is safe for the consumer. These techniques currently require a phase of confirmation that can take up to four days, so that the development of faster methods can contribute to improving the effectiveness of food safety.

DINMADETEC project, which involves six companies from the Comunitat Valenciana, focuses on the design and implementation of new analytical methods for the detection of emerging pathogens and allergens in food, which may pose a risk to the health of consumers. In this project, advanced techniques of molecular biology are being developed in order to identify pathogens such as Salmonella sp., Listeria monocytogenes, E.coli …, in less than 48 hours, without the need for confirmatory analysis.

Specifically, the work done is focused on tests based on real-time PCR techniques, with a previous phase that allows to discern the genetic material coming from viable cells.

DINMADETEC project has the support of IVACE through the call for aid to technological centers in the Comunitat Valenciana of R & D, in cooperation with companies 2017. These IVACE grants are co-financed by the ERDF Funds.

Sonia Marco (6 articles)


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Sonia Marco
Responsable de proyectos del laboratorio de bioensayos de ainia

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